- Food cultural exchange successfully held2021-12-09
- Graduation defense and thesis proposal2021-12-08
- 大雪[dà xuě] Major Snow2021-12-06
- International teachers visit the art exhibition2021-12-05
- Aids Prevention and Control2021-12-01
- SAU and HAU tap potential programs2021-11-30
- Postgraduate student thesis proposal defense held2021-11-29
- Listen, Ask & Learn: Webinar on aircraft manufacturing held2021-11-28
- Awarding ceremony of recitation contest held2021-11-27
- How to Research in Business Administration2021-11-26
- Online meeting between SAU and SSU2021-11-25
- IEC succeed in Aero-engine Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Competitions2021-11-23
- 小雪xiǎo xuě Minor Snow2021-11-22
- The sixth postgraduate academic speech contest successfully held2021-11-19
- Artificial intelligence and spacecraft design webinar held2021-11-18
- IEC Game Day2021-11-17
- Exchange meeting between student leaders of International Education College and Inter...2021-11-13
- Greeting from the first snow in SAU2021-11-09
- SAU holds online meeting with Hormuud University, Somalia2021-11-07
- Pursue aero-modelling passion through Science & Innovation Group2021-11-05