On August 10, 2018, SOPREST delegation and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIK) delegation from Pakistan visited Shenyang Aerospace University (SAU). President Sun Xiaoping and Vice President Wang Qi, met the guest at the Administration Building of SAU.
Prof. Sun warmly welcomed the guests and gave brief introduction to international education trend and circumstance. “We are delighted to see SAU and GIK have much in common and great collaboration potential”, said Prof. Sun.

Prof. Mr. Shakil Durrani, Executive Director of SOPREST, Mr. Farid Rehman, memeber of the Executive Committee of SOPREST and GIK, and Mr. Jehangir Bashar, President of GIK, highly appreciated the facilities and the educational standard which SAU provides to their international students. A MOU was signed between the two parties, which aims for more cooperation in a variety of fields and exchange program between SAU and GIK.

Later, the delegation surveyed the Liaoning General Aviation Research Institute, where SAU manufactures their own designed aircrafts.
Prof. Sun said that it is a great step towards getting more relation with top universities and institutes all around the world. Such relation will also help SAU international students get well recognized and start their careers in the future.