“Poson” Celebrations at SAU

Hits:    Time:2011-06-15

15 June 2011 marked the “Poson”festival, a very important day in the Sri Lankan calendar which is a celebration of the spirit of giving. The Sri Lankan students of SAU in keeping with the age old traditions and culture of their country celebrated this festival by organizing a “dansala” together with the support of their Chinese counterparts.

  Setting up shop despite the gloomy weather

The students gave out over 60 liters of ice cream to almost 1500 Chinese and international students. The “dansala” was the brainchild of Mr. Samanth Kaushalya (Director- Sino-Lanka Education, the SAU representative in Sri Lanka.)

Chinese students at work

  Clamoring for ice cream

  No such thing as too much ice cream…

The event was a resounding success and a fine example of teamwork and collaboration. The effort put in by all those involved is commendable. The international students will continue to share the rich cultural heritage of their respective countries through such events in the future.