大雪[dà xuě] Major Snow

Hits:    Time:2021-12-06

大雪是二十四节气中的第二十一个节气,通常在每年12月7 日或8日,此时太阳黄经达255°。"大雪"并非是说雪很大,而是指大雪时节后,降雪概率相比小雪更大,降雪范围更广。据《月令七十二候集解》∶“大雪,十一月节。大者,盛也。至此而雪盛矣。”我国古代将大雪分为三候∶"一候鹃鸥不鸣; 二候虎始交; 三候荔挺出。" 这是说此时因天气寒冷,寒号鸟也不再鸣叫了; 由于此时是阴气最盛时期,正所谓盛极而衰,阳气已有所萌动,所以老虎开始有求偶行为; "荔挺"为草的一种,也感到阳气的萌动而抽出新芽。

Major Snow(大雪[dà xuě])is the 2lst term in the Twenty-four Solar Terms and falls on December 7th or 8th every year, when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 255°. The Major Snow actually means it is getting colder, and there is frequent snowfall compared with that of Minor Snow; and it does not mean that there will be a heavy snowfall. A Collective Interpretation of the Seventy-two Pentads mentions" Major Snow lies in the 11th lunar month. 'Major' means a large scale." In ancient times, there are three pentads of the Major Snow "In the first pentad, the jie-bird ceases to crow; the second, tigers begin to mate; and the third, buds appear on sprouting." The jie is a bird, similar to the pheasant, which is believed to be aggressive and combatant. As winter progresses, even this active bird slows and ceases to crow. Though the yin is till very powerful, the yang begins and tigers begin to mate. Buds appear on sprouting, a kind of grass.


During the Major Snow season, most parts of China, except for South China and the southern part of Yunnan Province, are usually covered with snow. In the northeastern and northwestern regions, the average temperature has dropped below-10℃. In the Yellow River region and North China, the temperature is stable at below 0℃. The snow in North China may last a whole day, breaking tree branches and blocking the road. The natural scenery is"hundreds miles locked in ice, thousands miles of whirling snow". In the south, the snowflakes fly, and the world turns white. About the snow, a proverb goes, "A timely snow promises a good harvest."If the snow is very heavy, it means the next year will be a harvesting year. As the snow covers the ground, the snow melts and soaks into the soil and pests living through the winter will be killed by the low temperature. There are little field management at this time. Winter wheat has stopped growing. In the Yangtze-Huaihe Region and its southern areas, wheat and cole still grow, but in a very slow pace. This period requires fertilization, which can lay the good foundation for their safely wintering and growth in the coming spring.


[ Diet ] Major Snow is the best season for nourishing the body. People can eat more beef, rabbit meat and mutton, which are excellent for promoting blood circulation and providing protection against the cold. Those who are deficient in yin suffering from excessive internal heat, dry coughing and dry skin should clear dryness, nourish the kidneys and moisten the lungs. They can eat soft and moisturizing food, such as milk, soybean milk, eggs, fish and so on. Do not eat hot food like chili, pepper, fennel, etc. If someone who is deficient in yang often has such symptoms as pale complexion, weak limbs, fatigue and sensation of chill, he should eat warm and soft food like beans, leeks, celery, chicken and so on. Do not eat sticky, dry, hard and cold food.


[Event]Skating is one of the winter games. It was called “ice opera” in ancient times. In the cold north, the river is frozen solid and skating is he most popular activity. Men and women often wear skates and look like a bird when skating. Those who are good at skating don't need a cane and the skating aces can even make a variety of tricks. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi often watched ice operas in Yilan Temple of Beihai. Since the southern climate is not cold enough to freeze the river, there are very little people skating.